Monday, September 25, 2006

oh hey

yeah, I know, I haven't been posting much. I keep starting to and then I realize that when your most exciting moment of the weekend is finding out that your dogs like green beans, I should probably just take a pass.

Though, seriously, green beans?? witness the feeding frenzy.


fishdog said...

growing up, our siamese cat would eat green beans.

coulda been the bacon grease mom cooked with. could be that he just liked beans.

my money is on the bacon grease.

fishdog said...

growing up, our siamese cat would eat green beans.

coulda been the bacon grease mom cooked with. could be that he just liked beans.

my money is on the bacon grease.

Robyn said...

Would any of these dogs be named Green Bean though??

Stinkydog said...

If Tank Girl (that's her with the biggest body mass) keeps up with the green bean obsession, we might consider it.

No bacon involved, strangely. They're all just REALLY into green beans. who knew?