Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I officially cannot find my camera. It went from a nervous laughing "oh, it's probably at my office somewhere" to "HOLY SHIT HOW AM I GOING TO TAKE STUPID DRUNK PICTURES ON THANKSGIVING???" all in the course of yesterday. Dangit. I really wanted to take those stupid drunk pictures, too. Of my sister.

I guess I'll just spend the next twelve hours removing layers of dog dirt and getting the house ready for the onslaught of family. My sister and her puppies are coming as well as one of my other nieces. We're only having 11 people this year and Sam noted that 1 in 4 are professional cooks, so this should be tasty. I'll see what I can do about a camera....

1 comment:

The Girl You Used to Know said...

I sure hope you found that camera. If not, maybe I can find a drunk pic or two of your sister...

Oh wait, if I have one (and I do) it's boxed up waiting to be moved.

Happy turkey day!