I'm feeling like none of these things probably deserve their own posts, so I'll just give you some highlights of the past couple of weeks and you can ooh/ahh or thumb your nose, however you see fit.
1) new years resolutions? Check! well, except the fried food thing which was a bit of a throwaway, let's face it. I also haven't quite made it to 3 miles on the jogging, but I am over 2 miles and the ladies at the gym haven't tried to give me CPR in at least a week. Reading-wise, I am way ahead of the game at 5 books read already this year. Which, remind me to tell you something about that later..
2). Sam got a new job! Well, a bit of a promotion at the same old job, but he has a new title, more compensation and hopefully more reasonable hours. I am also still at my same old company but doing something very cool and new right now so, like Matthew McConaghey and his impregnated girlfriend, I am "stoked."
3) Tickets to FRANCE have been purchased! Woohooo! And my passport is in. ANNNNDDD, I have a dog sitter lined up!!! It's looking like we will actually make it out of the country this time. I'm all drooly about that, too.
4) I passed that exam I took in December. This is work related, but not having anything to do with the new and cool thing I am doing. It's just nice to have passed because it was a little questionable there.
what else? what else?
I'm very proud of you for making it past 2 miles!!! I still say to this day that the first 2 miles are the hardest! It doesn't change, even when you go 12 or 13 miles!!!! Keep up the good work!
I'm jealous! B and I went to Paris a few years ago, but I could do it so much better if I got another chance. However, I'm still paying off the first trip.
Also, what test was that? Because some of those questions sounds familiar...
Steph--it was an exam for "Financing of Risk" which is a CRM course (certified risk manager)--lots of finance stuff...which it turns out, I am no good at it.
Robyn--yeah, I'm sure I won't be able to tell the difference between 2.5 and 12.5--ha! you must be kidding.
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