Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Sam is doing ok today and by "OK," I mean "asleep". Finally. I should clarify that he actually had two surgeries yesterday--one on the ankle and one on the big toe, so he's not being a whiney baby when he wakes me up at 2:30 in the morning asking me for more drugs. Ok, maybe when I was in the living room and he called me on my cell phone from the bedroom to come heat up his strawberry pop-tart. But it should give you a good idea of the quality of drugs to know that Sam has probably never voluntarily eaten a pop-tart in his entire life. (today: frozen burritos!)

Anyway, I imagine some of you are wanting evidence that I have not drowned him in the tub yet. (ACCIDENTALLY, BY THE WAY...HONEST MISTAKE) Here he is. See? Still breathing.


Robyn said...

with OXYGEN!!! Are his hands tied behind his back and that's why he's covered up so? Huh?

Stinkydog said...

you are awfully suspicious..

The Girl You Used to Know said...

he's looking a little dirty. Should I call a nurse practitioner to come assist in bath time? You know, to avoid any future "honest mistakes".

Glad you're doing okay, Sam. Enjoy the drugs while you have them. Don't let Lee near them if she's making margaritas...