Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Still Learning on the Parenting Thing

To be honest with you, I always thought the "growth spurt" was one of those parenting myths--used to explain away any extended fussiness or crying jags your child might have after the age of colic has passed. This was before the CrankMeister General slept for 40 of the last 48 hours, emerging from coma-like napping only long enough to smack down huge amounts of baby milk, finally waking up this morning unable to fit into the diapers I just bought him on Saturday. huh.


Allison said...

that's a lot of sleeping! I love sleep.

Older not wiser said...

Be forewarned, this will happen when he's in school and he will outgrow shoes and jeans over the weekend making Monday morning even more fun that it already is.

The Girl You Used to Know said...

that growth thing truly doesn't stop until they are out of the house...