Thursday, March 04, 2010

Do you know what I was doing this time last year? No, I wasn't in labor. HA! I, um, skipped that whole part. That's why I've never done a birthing post: because I don't have a birth story, really, I have a little ditty about needles. Big ones. Big needles in the spine..and WHOA, yeah, I'll stop right there.

No, what I was doing this time last year was introducing you guys to our new puppy. And so, on the anniversary of that day, I'll show you how much the other little guy has grown up this year:

Happy Anniversary, Mr. B. You're very cute. Even though we want to kill you sometimes when you bark at 3am for no reason, or when you try to lick us right after you've eaten poop... Or when you completely destroyed my favorite pair of red sandals because I wasn't giving you enough attention... or that time when you stole an entire bag of hedgehog food off the table, ate it and then threw it up right beside my bed..And WHY DID NO ONE TALK US OUT OF ADOPTING THIS DOG FOR THE LOVE OF GOD???

aww, I'm just kidding. Sortof.


Robyn said...

I DO believe that more than once I said 'are you kidding me? A puppy and a new baby?' Or did I just say that to myself? I do remember us talking about it and you saying how crazy Sam thought you were.

Stinkydog said...

I think you just said that to yourself because you didn't stop me. Yall were all excited because he looks like the lovechild of Wilson and Coco...

Shannono said...

No, no, no, there were definite admonishments to please, please think about this puppy long and hard because the other "puppy" you were about to bring home was going to take a lot of attention, etc. ... but I think, since you didn't have a labor to block out, you just blocked that out instead ;-)