Tuesday, September 07, 2010

yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm here. Despite commute times being TRIPLED this morning due to stupid people who can't drive in the rain. It's not that we get more dangerous amounts of rain than anyone else or that our streets are just so windy and hard to navigate when wet. It's that people are literally mentally deficient when it comes to driving in the rain here. I swear to you, a sprinkle will start and some moron will slam on his brakes, guaranteed. If it rains during rush hour, forget it. You might as well stick a sharp stick in your eye because it's only marginally worse than sitting there and watching 27 people in a row watch the light turn green, cautiously rev up their engines and then screeeeeeeech to a halt once they hit 10mph. I'm not exactly sure what they think will happen if they go over 12mph. Do they think their cars are going to randomly start spinning donuts and we're all going to die in a huge fireball of mangled Mini Cooper parts? Because I'm pretty sure that's not gonna happen. At any rate, we have a few more days of this. I'm either going to have to leave work at 2pm, or start ramming people on the freeway. Look for me.

Today we also have Hop's 18mth appointment and I have to explain to the pediatrician how we had a huge Parenting FAIL this weekend by not preventing our son from trying to hug the burning hot grill. Hello, 2nd degree burns. Heh heh, just ignore that blistering wound on his wrist there, Doctor. Nothing to see here. (it was terrible, yall. And we didn't even notice it til hours later because we didn't see any injuries on his hands and we assumed he only cried because we scared him when we ever-so-impotently screamed NOOOooooooo from 10 feet away. Turns out: burns=OW). So, it's a fun day all around.


Blue Gal said...

I'm jinxing myself by saying this, but my drive in this morning was not that bad. I don't get to work till 8:30, so maybe that helps? Now I may not get home till midnight, because 5:00 traffic + rain = HORRIFIC NIGHTMARE.

Poor Hop. :(

Robyn said...

Connor burnt his hand twice, once on the stove when he was sitting on the counter (bad Mom) and the other when he went to touch the top of the parlor stove when it was lit. Luckily, no one called child services. I felt like crap for weeks after each incident.

Older not wiser said...

Paul put his hand on the bottom of an iron when I told him NOT to touch it.He was asking why while his hand was searing.

Anonymous said...

Poor baby Hopper:( I burned my hand when I picked up a pile of just gone out sparklers on the 4th of July. I think I was 4. My Mom felt horrible. It happens...CES