comparing notes
After four days of dealing with the puppy that makes the world's most annoying noise, I (wisely, I think) decided to transfer her to someone who knows that breed a little better, or at least, might be a little more deaf than I am. The following exchange is between me and the schnauzer rescue lady:
Me: Thank you for taking her! she's a very sweet girl, but we just can't handle that bark. It, like, makes the light fixtures vibrate.
Her: Oh, they all sound like that.
Me: ALL of them? my god. How do you make it through the day without sticking a Spork in your ear?
Her: How do you deal with cocker spaniels? they're so DUMB
Me: Yes, but quietly so.
Her: You can muzzle a bark,but you can't muzzle stupid.
Me: good point.
That sounds like a good doggie shirt-"You can't muzzle stupid"
I want a shirt that says "You can't muzzle stupid."
Must. Have. Now.
I just wanna say that I voted for "You can't muzzle stupid" before I even read the blog about it...that's great
I just wanna say that I voted for "You can't muzzle stupid" before I even read the blog about it...that's great
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