Monday, January 25, 2010

a milestone

new category here at Stinkydog. I used to warn you guys when I was going to talk about something gross or so dog-specific that there were probably only three of you (ok, two) who would possibly be interested. I'm now expanding that category to BABY TALK, i.e. things Hopper does that quite possibly no one aside from grandparents could possibly give a rat's a**..if you are not a grandparent and you DO give a rat's a**, awww, that's sweet, c'mere, let me give you a hug. The rest of you. consider yourself forewarned.

so, Hop has been saying Da-da for a while now (a couple of months, seriously). He does not say Ma Ma. This is despite my sitting in front of him every single day and enunciating verryyyy sloowwwly: MA..MA.. I roll my lips inward to show him how its done. I look him directly in the eye-- I say MAAA MAAA. He laughs. His current repertoire of words includes "Da Da" (presumably to mean his father), "Doh Doh" (dog), "NayNayNayNAY" (please stop whatever you are doing, especially if you are putting things on, around or wiping my butt). Three words is pretty good for a 10mth old, but you will note: no Ma Ma. Whatever, I can hack it. If you've got a few things you'd rather learn how to say before you address Me, your MA MA, the woman who gave you LIFE, the person who loves you more than almost anyone else aside from that other person who gave you life whom you are apparently just fine with addressing on a daily basis, I'm okay with that. Really.

But this morning as I was leaving for work, I went over and kissed his forehead and said what I always say before leaving for work, "Bye baby, I love you, have a good day, be nice to your dad" and he says back to me, "Thank You". Ok, it was more of a "tank Ooo". But seriously?? THANK YOU??? You can't throw your mother a little bone here?


Robyn said...

LOL!!! Love it.

Older not wiser said...

Great manners for a 10 month old. He's waiting for a special day to say Mama. This may be topped by the first day he says he loves you and the day he brings you flowers.

Juliet said...

The day Hop says MaMa will be such a happy day for you.

'Course, right after that, he'll be off like a rocket and you'll suddenly start to feel all sentimental about the quiet old days, lol.

The Girl You Used to Know said...

that is awesome! pretty soon you'll hear Mama way too much and thank you never so enjoy it!

Anonymous said...

awwwh...Your Welcome Baby Hop:) so cute! CS

Shannono said...

Same happened to us ... but don't worry. Like my own mother, you will soon say, "I've changed my name" when Mama has been uttered for the millionth time in a 1-hour period. Or at any point between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.