Monday, June 10, 2013

the list report

We are attempting to make our way through the Summer List and I had big plans to take the boys to an outdoor concert this weekend, but then we were foiled by Janky Eye and the Prescription That Never Was. In short, although it would be NICE if prescriptions were called in in a timely manner and you could pick them up same day and start medicating the Eye of Jank right away, for some reason sometimes things  that were supposed to have gotten done just don't get done and you end up wandering the aisle of HEB for an hour while the pharmacist tries to page the nurse that was supposed to have called EIGHT HOURS EARLIER with your prescription and well. yeah:  First world problems. We got over it. But we did not get to go and expose everyone else to our pinkeye contagion.  We still managed to mark two things off the list.

Play on a Slip and Slide, check...though I think my kids might need a lesson in how this is supposed to work because Hopper  managed to just run through the sprinkles and Rowan thought it was just an elaborate Washing Station for matchbox cars. There was nary a belly that made contact.

And we also made banana splits.  I will tell you that I initially chose banana splits, not because I love them (though I do), but because banana splits are impossible to screw up. If you make a mistake, just put more whipped cream on it (feel free to use that in all aspects of your life). 

I think they were kind of a hit. 

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