Sunday, June 05, 2016

A Bell Kid

Recently Sam took the boys to a party where there was a gaggle of other kids running around in a pack getting sweaty til someone got the bright idea to turn on the sprinkler and let the kids play in it. So Rowan did what he always does and resorted to his default mode which is to get buck nekkid. I wasn't there but I'm told he got the side-eye from some folks so his Gram hastily had him put on some shorts and let the Chaffing Gods smite where they may. I get it. He's five, Practically almost a third of the way to puberty. I can understand how nudity makes some people uncomfortable. But part of me wishes we lived far out in the country, like I did as a kid, where I'm told that I too was not a fan of clothing in the summertime. Just like his penchant for salting his (already salted) tortilla chips, his love of everything bagels, his need to dig in the dirt every single day...

Rowan demonstrates, shall we say, Bell Kid tendencies. 


Older not wiser said...

I remember following picking up your clothes all the way back to the swing set. I don't remember if you did this until you were five-seems like Arkansas has more chiggers and that might have played a part in your decision.

Older not wiser said...

I remember following picking up your clothes all the way back to the swing set. I don't remember if you did this until you were five-seems like Arkansas has more chiggers and that might have played a part in your decision.