Monday, November 30, 2009

hey yall--how was your thanksgiving? ours was very good. I've had turkey sandwiches for 7 of the last 9 meals, so I'm a little over it, but it was all very tasty. Sorry I didn't get a chance to post any of the cooking videos. I shot them, but the internets wasn't cooperating. Trust me, there was bacon and fat bubbling, cranberries popping, crazy dog doing flips in the air...(not one of ours, are you kidding me? ours are too chunky, it was some other crazy dog). Friday, I actually got up at 3:30 am and went shopping. I know. If you're wondering just how bad that could have sucked, I will tell you: a LOT. That's the last time I let El Nino decide whether or not we get up before dawn and go to Kohls. I had told myself that I wouldn't set the alarm, but if Hopper woke up, we'd go. And he popped up at 3:30am, so we did. I drove up to the parking lot and there were 5000 crazy people waiting in line in the dark to get in to the store. I tried to tell myself that I was less crazy than they were because I waited in the car instead of in the back of the line like those yahoos. I felt morally superior to the woman in pink leopard pj's who sprinted in past the security guard, breaking in line (note to lady:next time you plan on being an asshole, maybe wear less identifying pants). Oh and I gave myself a little pat on the back for not buying a Nay-tivty set just because they were 65% off like the people in front of me who actually had to explain to their teenage son what a Nay-tivty set was so he could go find them one of those ("Yew KNOW, it's JAYSUS, in the BARN"). But, in all honesty, despite these little mental victories, fact is: I was at Kohl's before sunrise and that? Makes me an idiot.
Saturday we went to a really fun wedding. Sam was even able to go, so we went out on a Saturday night like real grownups. It was all fun and games til that last 3 or 4 vodka tonics (damn you cheerful, generous bartenders). And then Sunday morning came a mite too early. Like, 6am early. And I will tell you: it's part of god's plan that babies are as cute and loveable as they are. That way, when they screech into your ear and headbutt your chin when you still have the spins, you feel a lot less like dying (not a lot less, though). Later, we went for glorious hangover hamburgers at Phil's Ice House. The hamburgers were a little overcooked, but man, their bread is still the shiz. That's where we took these:

We only look a little burnt and nutty in them.... RIGHT??? sigh. Back to work.


Suzy said...

I love them! You guys do burnt and nutty really well. :)

Juliet said...

"Oh and I gave myself a little pat on the back for not buying a Nay-tivty set just because they were 65% off like the people in front of me who actually had to explain to their teenage son what a Nay-tivty set was so he could go find them one of those ("Yew KNOW, it's JAYSUS, in the BARN")."

Rofl. 'Cause I KNOW those people, right? I GREW UP with those people. And when I see them nowadays, I just grab my iced tea and biscuits and run like the wind in the opposite direction.