Sunday, May 09, 2010

The R is for Ridiculous

so yeah, we have a new foster pup. His name is Theodore R. Bigglesworth. Boomhauer is still with us, though he is going to his new home next weekend. In the meantime, he and Ted are getting to hang out. They are slowly warming up to each other. Ted was worried at first that the other dogs were going to eat him. Boomhauer was like, "Um, are you kidding? This is a dog??" He keeps giving me looks like this:

Probably because, despite being the same age (about 11-12 weeks), Ted is maybe a third of Boom's size. How did we end up with this guy? Well, for one, somebody told us he was a "cockapoo" as in 1/2 cocker spaniel 1/2 poodle. Folks, I can tell you that Ted is not a cockapoo. He weighs less than 3lbs. I feed him in increments of TEASPOONS. This is a FOUR INCH pot.

What the hell? Who makes dogs this small?? and more importantly, WHY on earth would you want a dog that could fit into your wallet? I mean, I'm not saying he's not cute or anything.

I just keep getting scared I'm going to lose him in the grass. I've already had to do a complete house search for him. I found him curled up in one of my doc martens. I'm not sure I am equipped for this. What if one of the neighborhood mice kicks his ass? halp!


Robyn said...

Actually I see the poodle in his snout and the texture of his hair. I bet this dog has a toy or teacup poodle mix in him and that is why he is so tiny. He's sooo freakin' cute!!

Suzy said...

I think I am in luv! Teddy may be the one for me...if only I didn't have a toddler that could kick his a&*.

Stinkydog said...

Hopper likes to squeeze him with both hands. I'm actually surprised he's survived this long. We're working on "don't kill the puppy, honey, GENTLE"

Anonymous said...

OMG, you made me laugh out loud with your comment about the neighborhood mice. I love this dog. I found one when I was 10, same color and look. I have not been able to find one like her. Still looking....Thank you for sharing your picture. I miss my little princess...

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't mind me using your picture as my facebook profile picture until February 28th to support against animal abuse. I will link it back to your page. No need to have this comment posted to your page.