Tuesday, July 01, 2014

2014 Farm Blogging Days 1-3

We've been at Forked Brook Farm for 3 days now, so that means that if you're not my friend on Facebook, you've missed at least 2 days of me posting pictures of my kids' naked butts. It's pretty much Mother Nature's Nudist Camp up here all the time. We normally come up in August, but this year we planned our trip a little bit earlier to coincide with some family celebrations.  It's a bit hotter this time of year, so we've pretty much either been in water, or they're taking off clothing and free-balling it in the wind. One of the two. The first day we went to the Grafton Lakes State Park which had some nice lovely cool water. But due to the fact that we were operating on sunscreen that expired in 2009, we opted to leave a little early. Hovlands are not sunburn people.

Then yesterday we went to one of my favorite places in the world, Tom's Pond. Man, I love this place.  This is the little island where I like to sit and ignore the cries of my children.

Hopper paddling 

We found a cache of goose eggs! Apparently, they've been abandoned by their mom. Either that or the mom was somewhere off to the side seething quietly at me. Don't worry, mama, I didn't touch your eggs. 

This was my attempt at nature photography. 

There has also been some bubble action. They're only wearing clothes because I made them. They were in the buff shortly after this. 

And this morning they made some cookies with Gram. Don't worry, they're wearing shorts because I told them they had to for sanitation reasons. 

But the temperature is rising, so we're about to go back to Tom's pond for a bit. It's polywog-tastic. I'll show you pictures of a million tiny frogs a bit later. 

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